‘There Is Power in Prayer’: Woman That Survived 9/11 Overcomes 2 COVID-19 Hospitalizations

April 22, 2020
'There Is Power in Prayer': Woman That Survived 9/11 Overcomes 2 COVID-19 Hospitalizations

Imagine surviving the horrifying 9/11 terrorist attack of 2001 in New York City, then facing a severe attack of COVID-19

That’s what’s happened to a couple we introduced to you last year. Christina and Brian Stanton were featured in a CBN News story that aired on 9/11 in 2019 after Christina wrote the book Out of the Shadow of 9/11: An Inspiring Tale of Escape and Transformation. Last year, Christina showed us their apartment that was so close to the World Trade Center’s south tower that the 9/11 attack completely upended their lives.

They were staring at the Twin Towers when the second hijacked airliner raced right past them on its way to the south tower. Blown Back Into Their Apartment “The shockwaves from the plane blasting into that building actually blew us back into our apartment,” she told us. When they regained consciousness and fled with many thousands of others to Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan, the Twin Towers crashing down buried them all in a thick, blinding, choking cloud of debris. “Everyone was caught up in the smoke and were, I’m sure, worried they were going to be asphyxiated,” Christina recalled. She described what it was like being there. “Everyone’s running around screeching and bumping into each other and catapulting over things. And I just remember looking at Brian and saying, ‘Are we going to die?'” The Stantons didn’t die but suffered health problems from the toxic dust for years. Their troubles did bring them closer to God, Christina saying, “Our whole lives are changed because of 9/11. It certainly deepened our relationship with Christ.” Hospitalized Twice, Almost Died Twice Now they’ve spent the last month fighting to survive the coronavirus after both of them tested positive. “It was definitely a battle. And you were […]

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The Good News


Salvation is a FREE GIFT from God. You don’t have to do anything but believe by faith that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead 3 days later.




  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

All God asks is that you believe by faith alone in 1, 2, & 3. That you’re a sinner, separated from God but God sent his Son to die for your sins, was buried & rose again 3 days later.

‘that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. ‘

Romans 10:9

Do You Believe?

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