Taylor Swift: “I’m a Christian” and People With Real “Christian Values” Support Abortion

February 5, 2020

Taylor Swift seems to believe that she can be a Christian and support the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

In a new Netflix documentary about her life, “Miss Americana,” Swift insisted that she is a Christian – even though she promotes political causes that go against Christian teachings, CBN News reports.

The celebrity has been increasingly vocal about her political beliefs over the past several years. In August, she told The Guardian that she supports legalized abortion. “Obviously, I’m pro-choice,” Swift said.

A year earlier, she endorsed Democrat Phil Bredesen in the Tennessee Senate race against Republican Marsha Blackburn, a leading pro-life advocate. Blackburn won anyway and continues to be a strong voice for life in the U.S. Senate.

In the new documentary, Swift talked about that moment when she decided to become more vocal politically.

According to CBN:

One clip from the film shows Swift trying to explain what led her to speak out on her political beliefs, particularly her endorsement of Democrat Phil Bredesen in the 2018 Senate race against pro-life Republican Marsha Blackburn.

“This was a situation where, from a humanity perspective and from what my moral compass was telling me I needed to do, I knew I was right, and I really didn’t care about repercussions,” Swift said.

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The excerpt depicts Swift arguing with her parents and publicist over whether to post social media messages regarding her entry into politics and the backlash it may cause.

Swift said Blackburn’s pro-life beliefs disgusted her.

“It’s really basic human rights, and it’s right and wrong at this point, and I can’t see another commercial and see Marsha Blackburn disguising these policies behind the words ‘Tennessee Christian values,’” she said in the Netflix special. “Those aren’t Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee. I’m a Christian. That’s not what we stand for.”

Basic human rights should include rights for every human, including babies in the womb. But Swift does not believe in those rights, though she claims to be a Christian. She may be misleading her impressionable young fans as well.

Christianity teaches that abortion is wrong because it kills an innocent human being, created in God’s image. The Bible may not specifically mention the word “abortion,” but it clearly does condemn the life-destroying practice. Even in ancient times, babies in the womb were viewed as valuable, as is evident in Luke 1:41. Jesus placed great value on children when others in society did not in Matthew 19:14, and Proverbs 6:16-17 states that one of the things God hates most is the shedding of innocent blood. One of the ten commandments prohibits murder.

Swift could do a lot of good with her huge, international platform. Instead, she has chosen to support abortion.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

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Romans 10:9

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