by Unreal Post | Mar 4, 2023 | Culture
The revival-themed film that rocketed to No. 3 at the box office also transformed some theaters into spontaneous worship services, with moviegoers gathering to sing, pray and share the gospel before they walked to their vehicles. The film, Jesus Revolution, tells the...
by Unreal Post | Aug 29, 2022 | Apostasy
The qualifications for a Pastor are found in 1 Timothy chapter one. Pastors in America are being disqualified at unprecedented levels. That being said women are disqualified from leading a congregation. In other words, there is no Scripture support for women Pastors....
by Unreal Post | Aug 13, 2022 | Apostasy
Unfortunately, savage wolves have come in not sparing the flock. Men from within, speaking perverse things to draw away believers to themselves instead of trusting in the finished work of the cross. The apostle Paul knew wolves would come in not from outside the...
by Unreal Post | Jun 16, 2022 | End Times
So…the United States of America gives Ukraine 70 Billion dollars to support beach life in Kyiv? While America is experiencing unprecedented homelessness and food security nationwide. Wake up America. We are being fed a lie. The god of this world is in total...
by Unreal Post | May 12, 2021 | Apostasy, Christianity
Having women Pastors is in direct opposition to God’s word. Overt mocking what the Lord has so clearly laid out as the order of things in the local Church is dangerous ground. But it is par for the course as we get closer and closer to the Lord’s return....