Pregnant Feminists Plan to Kill Their Unborn Babies to Protest Illegal Abortions in Morocco

September 27, 2019

Moroccan abortion activists are aborting their unborn babies illegally in protest of laws that protect their children’s lives.

On Tuesday, the French newspaper “Le Monde” published a declaration from pro-abortion feminists who promised to keep breaking “unfair and obsolete” abortion laws until the country legalizes abortion, according to the Independent.

“We are having sex outside wedlock. We are … being complicit of abortion,” the declaration reads.

More than 7,000 people have signed so far, including men, the report states.

Morocco prohibits abortions except when the mother’s life is at risk. It also bans sex outside of marriage.

But abortion activists are increasing pressure on the country to legalize abortion on demand after a 28-year-old journalist was arrested recently for allegedly aborting her unborn baby. Hajar Raissouni, her fiance and a doctor were arrested on charges having to do with the alleged abortion and sex out of marriage, according to the report. Raissouni denied having an abortion, the report states.

Abortion activists are using Raissouni’s situation to demand that the country legalize abortions. The declaration, written by author Leila Slimani and filmmaker Sonia Terrab, supports Raissouni by encouraging other Moroccans to admit that they have broken the law and aborted unborn babies.

Terrab described their admissions as “strong and courageous” – as if there is something noble about admitting to killing a child.

“When a women empowers herself she empowers everyone around her,” Terrab told The Independent. “I am amazed by how strong and courageous Moroccan women are right now – especially the young ones. We have reached 7,000 signatures and are still going. I am so proud.”

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Human Rights Watch, an international group that pressures pro-life countries to legalize abortion, also is involved in the situation in Morocco.

Ahmed Benchemsi, a spokesperson for the group, argued that Raissouni is being punished for “private behavior.”

“… by publicising detailed allegations about her sexual and reproductive life, authorities trampled on her right to privacy and apparently sought to smear her reputation,” Benchemsi said.

In America, Roe v. Wade, which allows abortions for any reason up to birth, also is based on the right to privacy. The infamous U.S. Supreme Court case has led to the deaths of approximately 61 million unborn babies in the past 45 years. Legalizing abortion is not about freedom or privacy; it is about the power to kill a unique, living human being and put money in the pockets of the abortion industry.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
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