Pastor Says Christians Should Vote for Pro-Abortion Democrats Instead of President Trump

February 1, 2020

A Republican pastor from Arkansas, ignoring Democrats’ growing extremism on abortion, urged evangelical Christians to vote for a Democrat instead of President Donald Trump this week.

“Because a deal with Democrats is better than a deal with the devil,” wrote Robb Ryerse, an evangelical Christian pastor at Vintage Fellowship in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

His piece in Time magazine this week compared Trump to the devil, and argued that pro-life Christians would better serve the “common good” by voting for a pro-abortion Democrat.

“Voters of faith should set aside their personal interests and predilections and instead prioritize the common good for all,” Ryerse wrote.

He argued that Trump’s pro-life actions are not sincere, and the Republican president was just courting voters by attending the March for Life last week.

“Trump’s decision to attend was motivated by politics,” the pastor wrote. “He wasn’t against abortion until he started running for president, and yet he has heard mounting questions raised about the sturdiness of his support among evangelicals, whose backing in 2016 was key to his victory. … Enter March for Life, an opportunity to double down on what Trump knows is the linchpin of his appeal to many religious voters.”

It is true that Trump once was pro-choice, but so were many others who now work in the pro-life movement. Many, many people have changes of heart about abortion because of something personal that happened in their lives. For President Trump the conversion happened in February 2011, not just before he ran for president as Ryerse falsely claims.

In 2016, Trump told EWTN that a “number of moments” influenced his change of heart on the matter, but the biggest was a “magnificent person” he knows who was almost aborted. Since his election, he has shown to be sincere about his pro-life promises by defunding Planned Parenthood through Title X and the Mexico City Policy, expanding conscience protections for medical workers who oppose abortion, fighting against pro-abortion policies at the United Nations and more.

Meanwhile, all of the Democrat presidential candidates support unrestricted abortions through all nine months of pregnancy and want to force taxpayers to fund them. Some even refuse to welcome pro-life Democrats in the party.

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Their pro-abortion policies would lead to more unborn babies being killed each year. More than 61 million have died already, and nearly 1 million continue to be aborted every year in America.

Yet, to Ryerse, they somehow are more acceptable than Trump, who has taken concrete, meaningful steps to protect unborn babies and their mothers from abortion.

“Trump is an anathema to everything I was taught to love about Jesus, everything I was taught about how to live out my faith,” Ryerse wrote. “His disdain for decency, disrespect toward basic tenets of right and wrong and complete disregard for the most vulnerable among us could not be more fundamentally un-Christian. To vote for him because he sees the political expediency of supporting restrictions on abortion is a Faustian deal with the devil that is ultimately more likely to exact greater cost than reward.”

Pro-life Christians know that Trump is not a perfect candidate. No candidate is. But he, at least, knows that abortion is not a right or a freedom. He works to protect vulnerable unborn babies from abortion, while his Democrat contenders openly promote killing them.

Even many Democrats have become disgusted with their party’s radical pro-abortion extremes, and, though some will not support Trump for similar reasons to Ryerse’s, they know that they also cannot support Democrats who believe killing an unborn baby for any reason up to birth is a “right” that American taxpayers should be forced to pay for.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

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Romans 10:9

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