Midwife claims women aren’t told sex of their babies due to abortion fears

February 15, 2019

Sex-selective abortions are a real problem in many parts of the world. While people understandably think it’s an issue limited to Asian countries like China and India, gendercide is causing “missing girls” everywhere. Now, a midwife is claiming that women in Scotland aren’t being told the sex of their babies over fears that mothers would then choose abortion.

Four out of 14 NHS boards (Grampian, Forth Valley, Orkney and Shetland) refuse to reveal a baby’s gender before birth. Some officials claim it is merely due to legal issues, with NHS Grampian claiming their sonographers have suffered “verbal abuse”; other statements write it off as merely an issue of policy. “These scans are aimed at establishing the health and growth of baby,” a spokesman for NHS Grampian and NHS Orkney told the Metro. “Our sonographers do not look for gender during tests as the results are not definitive. New parents are informed about the policy initially by their community midwife as well as by staff and signage during the tests themselves.”

But is that the entire story?

READ: Abortion advocates downplay sex-selection abortion to promote agenda

The Sunday Post interviewed two midwives, who remained anonymous. One said that there were ultrasounds in which the sex was wrong. “Mistakes happen,” she said. “I had a case where a couple were told they were having a wee girl and everything they had was pink, the nursery was decorated pink, and then they had a boy.” But another midwife had a more disturbing explanation.

“There were threats of legal action if we got it wrong,” she said to the Sunday Post, adding ominously, “And some women no longer nurtured the pregnancy if they were told it was a girl.”

While it is not known the extent that this is happening in Scotland, it is a known fact that gendercide is taking place around the world. It’s a well known problem in China and India, which has led to horrific consequences. But there are communities in the United States with distorted sex ratios, as well as in Australia. Sex-selective abortion is also known to take place in the United Kingdom. According to the United Nations, this has caused at least 100 million girls to be missing around the globe.

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The post Midwife claims women aren’t told sex of their babies due to abortion fears appeared first on Live Action News.

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Author: Cassy Fiano-Chesser

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  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

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Romans 10:9

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